Source code for configloader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Arthur Blair'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0.1'

import json
import logging
import os

    import attrdict
except ImportError:
    import yaml
except ImportError:

    DictType = attrdict.AttrDict
except NameError:
    DictType = dict

# Set basestring as an alias for the base string type in Python 3
except NameError:
    basestring = str

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConfigLoader(DictType): """ A dict that supports common app configuration-loading scenarios. If `AttrDict`_ is installed, then elements can be accessed as both keys and attributes. .. _AttrDict: """
[docs] def update_from_object(self, obj, criterion=lambda key: key.isupper()): """ Update dict from the attributes of a module, class or other object. By default only attributes with all-uppercase names will be retrieved. Use the ``criterion`` argument to modify that behaviour. :arg obj: Either the actual module/object, or its absolute name, e.g. 'my_app.settings'. :arg criterion: Callable that must return True when passed the name of an attribute, if that attribute is to be used. :type criterion: :py:class:`function` .. versionadded:: 1.0 """ log.debug('Loading config from {0}'.format(obj)) if isinstance(obj, basestring): if '.' in obj: path, name = obj.rsplit('.', 1) mod = __import__(path, globals(), locals(), [name], 0) obj = getattr(mod, name) else: obj = __import__(obj, globals(), locals(), [], 0) self.update( (key, getattr(obj, key)) for key in filter(criterion, dir(obj)) )
[docs] def update_from_yaml_env(self, env_var): """ Update dict from the YAML file specified in an environment variable. The `PyYAML`_ package must be installed before this method can be used. :arg env_var: Environment variable name. :type env_var: :py:class:`str` .. _PyYAML: """ _check_yaml_module() return self._update_from_env(env_var, yaml.safe_load)
[docs] def update_from_yaml_file(self, file_path_or_obj): """ Update dict from a YAML file. The `PyYAML`_ package must be installed before this method can be used. :arg file_path_or_obj: Filepath or file-like object. .. _PyYAML: """ _check_yaml_module() return self._update_from_file(file_path_or_obj, yaml.safe_load)
[docs] def update_from_json_env(self, env_var): """ Update dict from the JSON file specified in an environment variable. :arg env_var: Environment variable name. :type env_var: :py:class:`str` """ return self._update_from_env(env_var, json.load)
[docs] def update_from_json_file(self, file_path_or_obj): """ Update dict from a JSON file. :arg file_path_or_obj: Filepath or file-like object. """ return self._update_from_file(file_path_or_obj, json.load)
[docs] def update_from_env_namespace(self, namespace): """ Update dict from any environment variables that have a given prefix. The common prefix is removed when converting the variable names to dictionary keys. For example, if the following environment variables were set:: MY_APP_SETTING1=foo MY_APP_SETTING2=bar Then calling ``.update_from_env_namespace('MY_APP')`` would be equivalent to calling ``.update({'SETTING1': 'foo', 'SETTING2': 'bar'})``. :arg namespace: Common environment variable prefix. :type env_var: :py:class:`str` """ self.update(ConfigLoader(os.environ).namespace(namespace))
[docs] def update_from( self, obj=None, yaml_env=None, yaml_file=None, json_env=None, json_file=None, env_namespace=None, ): """ Update dict from several sources at once. This is simply a convenience method that can be used as an alternative to making several calls to the various :meth:`~ConfigLoader.update_from_*` methods. Updates will be applied in the order that the parameters are listed below, with each source taking precedence over those before it. :arg obj: Object or name of object, e.g. 'myapp.settings'. :arg yaml_env: Name of an environment variable containing the path to a YAML config file. :arg yaml_file: Path to a YAML config file, or a file-like object. :arg json_env: Name of an environment variable containing the path to a JSON config file. :arg json_file: Path to a JSON config file, or a file-like object. :arg env_namespace: Common prefix of the environment variables containing the desired config. """ if obj: self.update_from_object(obj) if yaml_env: self.update_from_yaml_env(yaml_env) if yaml_file: self.update_from_yaml_file(yaml_file) if json_env: self.update_from_json_env(json_env) if json_file: self.update_from_json_file(json_file) if env_namespace: self.update_from_env_namespace(env_namespace)
[docs] def namespace(self, namespace, key_transform=lambda key: key): """ Return a copy with only the keys from a given namespace. The common prefix will be removed in the returned dict. Example:: >>> from configloader import ConfigLoader >>> config = ConfigLoader( ... MY_APP_SETTING1='a', ... EXTERNAL_LIB_SETTING1='b', ... EXTERNAL_LIB_SETTING2='c', ... ) >>> config.namespace('EXTERNAL_LIB') ConfigLoader({'SETTING1': 'b', 'SETTING2': 'c'}) :arg namespace: Common prefix. :arg key_transform: Function through which to pass each key when creating the new dictionary. :return: New config dict. :rtype: :class:`ConfigLoader` """ namespace = namespace.rstrip('_') + '_' return ConfigLoader( (key_transform(key[len(namespace):]), value) for key, value in self.items() if key[:len(namespace)] == namespace )
[docs] def namespace_lower(self, namespace): """ Return a copy with only the keys from a given namespace, lower-cased. The keys in the returned dict will be transformed to lower case after filtering, so they can be easily passed as keyword arguments to other functions. This is just syntactic sugar for calling :meth:`~ConfigLoader.namespace` with ``key_transform=lambda key: key.lower()``. Example:: >>> from configloader import ConfigLoader >>> config = ConfigLoader( ... MY_APP_SETTING1='a', ... EXTERNAL_LIB_SETTING1='b', ... EXTERNAL_LIB_SETTING2='c', ... ) >>> config.namespace_lower('EXTERNAL_LIB') ConfigLoader({'setting1': 'b', 'setting2': 'c'}) :arg namespace: Common prefix. :return: New config dict. :rtype: :class:`ConfigLoader` """ return self.namespace(namespace, key_transform=lambda key: key.lower())
def _update_from_env(self, env_var, loader): if env_var in os.environ: self._update_from_file_path(os.environ[env_var], loader) else: log.debug( 'Not loading config from {0}; variable not set'.format(env_var) ) def _update_from_file(self, file_path_or_obj, loader): if hasattr(file_path_or_obj, 'read'): self._update_from_file_obj(file_path_or_obj, loader) else: self._update_from_file_path(file_path_or_obj, loader) def _update_from_file_path(self, file_path, loader): if os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path) as file_obj: self._update_from_file_obj(file_obj, loader) else: log.debug( 'Not loading config from {0}; file nonexistant'.format( file_path ) ) def _update_from_file_obj(self, file_obj, loader): if hasattr(file_obj, 'name') and isinstance(, basestring): log.debug('Loading config from {0}'.format( os.path.abspath( )) self.update(loader(file_obj)) def __repr__(self): """Represent as a string.""" return '{0}({1})'.format(type(self).__name__, dict.__repr__(self))
def _check_yaml_module(): try: import yaml # noqa except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'yaml module not found; please install PyYAML in order to enable ' 'configuration to be loaded from YAML files', name='yaml', path=__file__, )